Anna Mabo

Anna Mabo by Thomas Schrenk
Anna Mabo (c) Thomas Schrenk


Sometimes it’s hard to remember: What was life actually like before Anna Mabo existed? Who could have guessed how much power, how much feeling and wit would come our way? How her songs would carry us away? She has changed us. Her second album, is called Notre Dame. It’s a songwriter’s album that crashes and roars – the fat band gives each song what it asks for, telling one sound epic after another. But the songs are at the same time quiet, sensitive and uplifting, because “even the Terminator’s heart hurts sometimes.”



Impulse Program: 3rd Wave of Grantees Announced

Edna Million by Luna Rosa Ceto

Austrian Music Export is pleased to announce the grant recipients from the third call for Impulse grant applications this year. 21 applications were submitted during the call period, for a total of €76,897. The jury … read more »

Building Bridges 2023: Mission Switzerland

Photo of Berglind (c) Theresa Langner

On the morning of March 22nd, 22 music professionals boarded a Zurich-bound train at Vienna Hauptbahnhof. It an early start for some of them, no doubt, but it was worth it: they were on a … read more »


Building Bridges (c) Austrian Music Export

As part of our BUILDING BRIDGES pilot project, we are launching our first mission to Switzerland from March 22-24 (leading up to the m4music festival in Zurich)! With a focus on training and international exchange, the program is aimed … read more »