Genre(s): Classical MusicFrom: Vienna, Austria
Booking: aureumsaxophonquartett@gmail.com
Contact: aureumsaxophonquartett@gmail.com
Website: aureumsaxophonquartett.com
Music Database
A young and versatile quartet that pays homage to the sound of the saxophone in an incredibly elegant and innovative musical style. The AUREUM SAXOPHON QUARTETT, consisting of the four Austrian saxophonists Martina Stückler (soprano saxophone), Johannes Weichinger (alto saxophone), Viola Jank (tenor saxophone) and Lukas Seifried (baritone saxophone), embodies an unbridled passion for music, which is free from any restraints and is conveyed to the audience in the most exciting manner. The four musicians are unified by the same vision of sound, brilliant creativity that imbues the works with life, and the urge to bridge the gap between traditional and modern music. Inspired by musicians and artists such as Michaela Reingruber, Oto Vrhovnik, Johan van der Linden and Gerald Resch, the quartet creates programs full of passion with music from all directions. The Aureum Saxophon Quartett Quartett has been selected as NASOM “New Austrian Sound of Music” act 2020-21.