Genre(s): Jazz/Improvised MusicFrom: Upper Austria, Austria
Contact: chuffdrone@gmail.com
Website: chuffdrone.com/
chuffDRONE combines five charismatic musicians, each of them with his or her own approach to Jazz. Five mindful team-players who dive into each other’s musical performance with full commitment. With head and heart they compose controlled outlets for uncontrollable eruptions, they orchestrate silence and transform ecstasy into rhythm.
chuffDRONE unites energy with poetry, mischief with perfection. By counting on the power of the collective, borders between composition and improvisation disappear and the different instruments merge into one charged, pulsating sound, whose attraction a listener can hardly resist.
For several years now the young quintet chuffDRONE a has been right in the middle of Austria’s experimental jazz-scene and had the opportunity to play at renowned international festivals like Jazzfestival Buenos Aires, 12 Points Festival (Aarhus, Denmark), Jazz in the Ruins (Poland), Jazzfestival Saalfelden, or Kick Jazz at Porgy & Bess (Austria), a.o.
In their current line-up you’ll find – besides the founders Judith Schwarz, Lisa Hofmaninger and Judith Ferstl – since 2018 Jul Dillier and Robert Schröck to complete the strong collective.