David Six

David Six Piano Solo © Mathias Steinhuber
David Six © Mathias Steinhuber


Born in 1985 in Austria David Six began playing the piano at an early age. After studies of philosophy and ecological engineering in Vienna he gratuated in music (piano and jazzpiano) in 2012. Further studies in New York in 2010 with Ellery Eskelyn, Aaron Parks and Fred Hersch brought very important contributions to his development. Since 2012 he studies south-indian rhythm and Mridangam with Manickam Yogeswaran in Berlin.

David Six performs as a soloist as well as a member of different band and ensembles whole over Europe and China. His musical partners include classiscal soloists as well as outstanding jazz- and pop musicians: Shara Worden, Aart Strootman, Mira Lu Kovacs, Bill Frisell, Alexi Murdoch, Stargaze Chamber Orchestra, Daníel Böðvarsson, Laura Winkler’s Wabi Sabi Orchestra, Tilo Weber, Morris Kliphuis, Memplex, Mario Rom, Igor Spalatti, and many others.

The composer and pianist artfully spans an arc between these two musical worlds, however, without ever becoming too obvious. It is precisely these blurred lines that add a special flair to his music.


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SELECTED FOR NASOM 2016/2017: David Six

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Selected Artists for NASOM 2016/2017

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