Sara Filipova

Sara Filipova (c) Michelle Shiers
Sara Filipova (c) Michelle Shiers


For years, SARA FILIPOVA has been one of Vienna’s best-kept secrets. Her voice – capable of both whispered intimacy and full-throated acrobatics – has supported a wide variety of artists in recent years. With her solo debut, Black And White Café, Sara takes center stage for the first time.

The five songs on the EP draw liberally from her experience in R&B, jazz, and classical music, but are closer in spirit to great singer-songwriters like Joni Mitchell and Paul Simon. Accompanying herself at the piano, she reflects on the transience of life and the human condition; the result is an intimate, moving portrait of a young woman sung in her own words. Though often melancholy, a thread of optimism runs through the songs: there’s always a way forward, a way out. When it comes to facing our fears and moving on, Sara Filipova points the way.

In the last year and a half Sara has been busy playing in places like Germany, Portugal, Bulgaria – where she introduced her EP in Bulgarian television (March 2019) – and at Chicago’s Theater at Wilson Abbey. She’s also played plenty of shows at home in Austria, including a live session for the Austrian radio station Ö1, part of its “Kuntsonntag” series. Sara is currently at work on her first full-length album.




Sara Filipova (c) Michelle Shiers

In this series, mica – music austria and Austrian Music Export have collected the experiences and perspectives of women in the music business. No matter the categories, quotas or breakdown, the goal is 100% of … read more »


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In this series, mica ­– music austria and Austrian Music Export focuses on the experiences and perspectives of female-identifying people in the music business – because there’s still a long road ahead. Kathi Kallauch is … read more »