Global Groove LAB

Global Groove Lab, Bandfoto © Bernhard Mayr
Global Groove Lab, Bandfoto © Bernhard Mayr


On their debut album “I’m a Stranger”, the members of Global Groove Lab skillfully break all stylistic rules. Experimenting with sounds, rhythms, and harmonies in their lab and expressing different authentic cultural experiences, the musicians blend traditional with modern influences and grooves. They draw their inspiration from the Balkans, India, Africa, Latin America, rock, jazz, and even classical music. The album opens listeners’ ears to other cultures, without ever reverting to clichés or just following one path. The band’s style is open-minded, innovative, and inimitable. It alludes to many genres without becoming too excessive or superficial — and simply cannot be put into any single drawer. Spelling out political demands, the album’s lyrics are critical of society, but also tell listeners about the bright sides of life.




Jazzfestival Saalfelden 2017

In cooperation with the internationally established Jazzfestival Saalfelden, Austrian Music Export will turn the spotlight on the local jazz scene and bring event organizers from all over Europe to the annual gathering in Saalfelden. With … read more »