Hella Comet

Hella Comet by Hella Comet
Hella Comet (c) Hella Comet


Through density and clarity, tranquillity and noise – Hella Comet manage to meander between the extremes of rock music. Take the essence of a 1960ies band in the vein of the Velvet Underground and the Stones and place it in a contemporary, retro-free, yet not naive and undistinguished context. This is rock music that embraces noise just as much as tasteful pop. Lea Sonnek’s vocals move from exhaustion to ecstasy, post-punk meets shoegaze – and none of these elements ever phase each other out, they merely work together to form a cohesive whole. Hella Comet pile up force and fragility in a way that adds to their overall sound. This is rock of the postmodern age and stands atop a giant pile of music history with a cheeky grin on their face.


NO BUZZ (2014) 10“ – Rock Is Hell RecordsLOCUST VALLEY (2016) LP – Noise Appeal Records
TTMMM (2014) MC – Interstellar Records
WILD HONEY (2013) LP – Noise Appeal Records
WESTEND (2011) 10″ – Noise Appeal Records
CELEBRATE YOUR LOSS (2010) LP – Pumpkin Records



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Bild (c) Hella Comet

It’s already well known that HELLA COMET know how to rock, but what the quartet from Styria served up on their latest release “Locust Valley” is just what we hoped for. Even if we might … read more »