KO.AX by Peter Schlossnikel
KO.AX (c) Peter Schlossnikel


With a genuine blend of musical infuences, unconventional original compositions and energetic live performances, the Austrian trio KO·AX explores the boundaries of Contemporary Jazz.
The band’s name derives from a term originating in geometry and describes a three- dimensional element that has a common axis of reference. This metaphor becomes the premise in the music of Lukas Leitner (piano, synthesizer), Walter Singer (double bass) and Lukas Laimer (drums): starting from reduced compositions, the three musicians fuse Jazz and Improvisation with borrowings from Rock, Electronic Music, New Music, etc. to create a rousing mixture that knows how to unfold its effect – especially live. Minimal Music elements encounter synthesizer pads, twelve-tone rows converge with energetic grooves and catchy melodies meet the fragile sound world of Contemporary Jazz.
KO·AX has so far released the two albums „Loose Frames“ (Freifeld) and „immersion“ (Listen Closely) and has played numerous concerts at renowned venues (e.g. Porgy & Bess Vienna, Treibhaus Innsbruck, Osterfestival Tirol, Radiokulturhaus).
Lukas Leitner – piano, synthesizer
Walter Singer – double bass
Lukas Laimer – drums



5 Million Pesos: KO.AX

Press photo of KO.AX (c) Michelle Schmollgruber

“5 Million Pesos” is the monthly concert series by RadioKulturhaus Vienna and the Ö1 jazz department. The featured act in June 2023 is KO.AX, performing on June 15th in Vienna’s RadioCafe. The music of the … read more »