Manu Mayr

Manu Mayr by Ingo Pertramer
Manu Mayr (c) Ingo Pertramer


Manu Mayr is a Vienna-born bass player, composer & producer.

The exploration and connection of the most diverse sound worlds and their sociotopes can be described as the core of his creative work. In doing so, he deals with the numerous currents of contemporary music creation. From the interpretation of new music to experimental electronics, improvisation and jazz to hip-hop and pop.

Performing at renowned festivals all over the globe in various contexts as co-leader, solo artist or sideman.

Manu Mayr is a founding member of 5K HD, Kompost 3, Gabbeh, schtum. He plays bass in bands like Synesthetic 4 and Studio Dan, and is also a guest musician at Klangforum Wien, Phace, Bit20 Ensemble Bergen, Nouvelle Ensemble Contemporain and many more.



Workshop Without End: The JazzWerkstatt Wien Turns 20

Poster for the JazzWerkstatt Wien festival 2005

These days, it’s impossible to imagine jazz in Austria without the JazzWerkstatt Wien. In point of fact, however, the artistic collective was founded twenty years ago, in 2004, by Daniel Riegler, Peter Rom, Clemens Salesny, … read more »

Austrian Music Highlights #11

Austrian Music Highlights

Hello, autumn. Hello, releases. Hello, concerts. Hello, corona? Is this potentially (hopefully) the farewell tour? Oh well, there is still lots of hot ‘n’ fresh music flowing all around us, and we can still catch … read more »

Breaking Out – Porgy & Bess director Christoph Huber on the international future of Austrian Jazz

Porgy & Bess is a household name in jazz, both in Europe and around the world. But what does that mean for the “home team”? What role does the club play for the next generation … read more »