Manuela Meier

Manuela Meier. Portraitfoto © Axie Breen
Manuela Meier © Axie Breen


Genre(s): Contemporary Music
From: Styria, Austria


Manuela Meier studied Composition and Accordion at the University of Music in Graz and Queen’s University Belfast (UK). She is currently undertaking PhD studies in Composition at Harvard University under the supervision of Chaya Czernowin and Hans Tutschku, where she also works with Christopher Hasty and Richard Beaudoin, and visiting composers John Luther Adams, Roger Reynolds, Michael Pisaro and George Lewis, and is Teaching Fellow for Introduction to Composition, Music Theory and Advanced Composition.

Both instrumental and electroacoustic works have been performed at festivals and concerts throughout Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Mexico and the United States, such as the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival (UK), Festival of Contemporary Music – Sonorities in Belfast (UK), the Festival Next Generation at the Center for Art and Media (ZKM) in Karlsruhe/Germany, the Steirischer Herbst Festival/Musikprotokoll in Graz/Austria, Internationale Ferienkurse Darmstadt, the Centro Mexicano para la Música y las Artes Sonoras (CMMAS) Morelia and the Laboratorio Sensorial Guadalajara in Mexico, as well as at the City Gallery Wellington in New Zealand, the Melbourne Recital Centre in Australia. Manuela’s work has been played by ensembles such as the Arditti String Quartet, the Austrian Stadler Quartett, Ensemble PHACE, STROMA New Music Ensemble, Callithumpian Consort, JACK Quartet, ELISION Ensemble, Ensemble Lucilin, Ensemble Dal Niente, Ensemble Recherche, Rage Thormbones (Barbier/Olencki), Ensemble Yarn/Wire as well as soloist Richard Haynes (clar).

Manuela was awarded scholarships in composition by Harvard University (US), the SKE Fonds (Austria), the Arts Council of Northern Ireland (UK), the Bliss Trust/PRS Foundation (UK), the School of Music and Sonic Arts at Queen’s University Belfast (UK), the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture (Austria), the Kingston University London (UK), the Djerassi Artist Residence Program (US), the Fohn-Stipendienstiftung (Austria), Matrix 11 SWR Experimentalstudio Freiburg (Germany) and the International IMPULS Academy (Austria) amongst others. Her writings on music have been released by Wolke Verlag, and her music has been released by the record label Col Legno.


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