Mira Lu Kovacs

Mira Lu Kovacs (c) Ina Aydogan
Mira Lu Kovacs (c) Ina Aydogan


“If you thought there was just no more space left in your life for singer-songwriters with acoustic guitars, you might be making a terrible mistake.Have a listen to Mira Lu Kovacs before you die. This woman knows how touse both herwide-ranging, changeable voice and her stunning classicalguitar technique to quietly spectacular effect.”(Robert Rotifer,FM4)

What MIRA LU KOVACS has created both on stage and on record over the past few years is of such great stylistic variety that genre definitions are moot. A vagueness of some kind leaves room for the instrumental virtuosity, compositional originality and the stories told throughhermusic. Mira released three albums under the stage name SCHMIEDS PULS: “PlayDead” (2013), “I Care A Little Less About Everything Now” (2015) and “Manic Acid Love” (2018). They established her as a master of her craft and won her an Amadeus Austrian Music Award (2016).

She also started a spectacular experience outside of her main project with experimental pop supergroup 5K HD, took over a role in a play (“Ganymed in love”) and earned prestigious bookings as a well-liked performer, most recently at the opening of the Wiener Festwochen (Vienna Festival) in May.

“Mira’s vocals might be delicately serene, buther lyrics don’t hold anything back–from darker introspective thoughts to lurching, accusatory demands.“Come a little closer”, she sings gently on “Don’t Love Me Like That”–“I might bite your head off…” (Wonderland Magazine)



“I’m still angry, don’t worry” – Mira Lu Kovacs

Mira Lu Kovacs (c) Ina Aydogan

For MIRA LU KOVACS, her new album has the color dark red. Anyone who habitually associates sounds with colors knows this well. Even non-synaesthetes can easily reconcile the deep, sensual color with the songs on … read more »

“We just play together because we like playing together” – MIRA LU KOVACS and CLEMENS WENGER

Mira Lu Kovacs & Clemens Wenger (c) Mani Froh

MIRA LU KOVACS (5K HD, My Ugly Clementine) and CLEMENS WENGER (5/8erl in Ehr’n, JazzWerkstatt Wien) have a long-standing friendship that by now extends far beyond the musical spectrum. Although they have been on stage … read more »

Austrian Music Highlights #15

Austrian Music Highlights

It’s that time of year again; that “in-between” time” – the ambivalent seasonal zone, smushed awkwardly between summer and fall. Do I wear pants or a mini-skirt? Plan an outdoor rager or an intimate indoor … read more »