Trio Artio

Trio Artio (c) Julia Wesely
Trio Artio (c) Julia Wesely


TRIO ARTIO was founded in 2017 in Vienna by the Austrian violinist Judith Fliedl, the German cellist Christine Roider and the Austrian pianist Johanna Estermann. Besides their love for chamber music, various performances in New York, Berlin and Graz make it quite obvious what these three musicians have in common: the joy of sharing music on stage and the intense interaction with the audience. Over only a short period of time, the trio already achieved various successes, such as winning an award at the international chamber music competition Massimiliano Antonelli and being admitted to the organization Yehudi Menuhin Live Music Now. Trio Artio was chosen to be NASOM “New Austrian Sound of Music” artists for 2020-21.



NASOM 2020/2021 LIVE PLAYLISTS – A Vibrant Selection of Live Performances


In the flood of live streams and digital musical offerings, we still often miss the ‘real’ thing; the atmosphere of a live musical exchange and experience – but help is here! Until we are able … read more »