Austrian Music Export, a joint initiative of mica – music austria and the Austrian Music Fund, is the catalyst for Austrian music on the international stage. We are a service and resource center for exporters of contemporary Austrian music in all genres and aspects, providing information, advice, and travel support to Austrian artists and businesses. Our activities include network-building with international industry professionals and the media, representing Austrian music at international festivals, conferences, and trade shows, and promoting Austrian artists at international showcases, with the goal of strengthening the international presence of Austrian labels, agencies, and musicians.
For a more detailed overview of what we do, see our Service & Information and Activities & Projects pages or check out Austrian Music Export’s 2023 Year in Review. A more comprehensive look at our projects and activities can be found in our Annual Reports, available for download as PDF (German only):
Additionally, a 2017 report on the international support programs of Austrian Music Export, the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs (BMEIA), the Federal Ministry of Arts and Culture (BMKÖS), and the foreign trade bureau (AWO) is also available for download a PDF (German only): Music Export in Austria 2017.
Austrian Music Export is supported by AKM/GFÖM, FAMA/WKO, go international – an initiative of WKO and BMWFW, the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs (BMEIA), the Federal Ministry of Arts and Culture, Civil Service and Sport (BMKÖS), IFPI/LSG Produzenten, OESTIG/LSG Interpreten, the AKM/SKE Fund and the Department of Cultural Affairs of the City of Vienna (MA 7).